Our Approach

Belonging is the most important component in which all humans have a need to feel comfortable and welcomed with the knowledge that they are valued, important and protected by a group or family. 

Independence provides an individual the ability to make autonomous decisions in a directive and responsible manner. Creating healthy opportunities for individuals to discover a sense of autonomy and control over their environment will assist in learning responsibility and independence.

Generosity,  Working towards a sense of Generosity may instill in youth the knowledge that all people have “gifts”, individual talents and characteristics that are unique and worthy of sharing with others. This sharing of lessons and truths while remembering our own journey in life may allow individuals to know empathy rather than judgment.

Mastery is the motivation to strive for achievement, willingness to take risks and the ability to gather more information should one not succeed the first time. It is the ability to listen, observe, share, and learn from others – and the eventual sharing of that same information to those who experience the same obstacles in life.